What is 241?
The European migrant crisis or European refugee crisis began in 2015, when a rising number of refugees and migrants made the journey to the European Union (EU) to seek asylum, traveling across the Mediterranean Sea or through Southeast Europe. The underlying cause of the rising global migrants is that the countries of origin are underdeveloped, leading to
water scarcity, food insecurity, and a general lack of outlook for the younger generation, who either move from rural areas to the overpopulated cities or migrate to a developed region.
Sustainable development can only be attained if women are involved, as mothers, as teachers, as entrepreneurs and/or when a gender sensitive policy environment is created for them to influence community and social policies at the higher level. Women are the primary victims of the intertwined causes of conflicts, underdevelopment and migration. For the
overwhelming majority of migrant women, the barrier of entering the job market in the host countries is caused by lack of skills, language and reasonable level of education. To address these issues, in a sustainable and humanitarian way, migrants should be offered assistance in building a new life in the respective host countries by developing, testing and implement new concepts of train the trainer programs for online training offering migrant women the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial skills.
The basis of the project is the online course in entrepreneurship that has been developed for Ethiopian women in The Netherlands. Content (knowledge and information) needs to be adapted to the legal and economic situation in the countries of the project partners. This online course will be studied and commented by the partners and actualized and transformed
in a new 241FE online course. A report of learning network environments will be published to stimulate the establishment of a new collaborative support infrastructure which will stimulate the refugee women.
A Trainer handbook will be produced and a Train-the-Trainer Program to ensure the availability of well-trained trainer who can guide and coach the refugee women online or through social media. Guidelines for Implementation will be published to make a transfer of the project to other local, regional or national level possible. All products will be available in 5 languages. A final conference will close the project as developing an innovative approach. All products stay available after the duration of the project and can be transferred to other countries as well. Furthermore, multiplier events will be held in all partner countries and a transnational short staff training will be organized to build a transnational trainers team.
National stakeholder meetings will be organized, attended by 30 participants per country from a range of different educational organizations. Trainers who attended the European Train-the-Trainer program will train minimal 20 trainers per country. Final result is per country yearly 4 starting 241FE courses. Yearly, 640 refugees and women in their origin countries will benefit from the participation in the online training.
The 241FE knowledge kit (handbook, train the trainer program, implementation guidelines) will be presented on the final conference in the Netherlands in 2023 to interest also organizations from other EU Member States. The main target group for dissemination of the project results at local and regional level are labour market organizations, public libraries,
centers for continuing and vocational training, local authorities and refugee centers. All these organizations have one common aim: continuously exploring new approaches and methods on what and how they can improve migrant/refugee employability and other opportunities. Dissemination are planned to align with what’s going on within these organizations
Face to face contact and network meetings with local and regional organizations as mentioned above will be crucial communication and dissemination channels to build positive learning network environments. Further on, information through a project website will support the face-to-face communication. All products of intellectual outputs will be available
through the project website, as well as on the resource center on EPALE and on the Erasmus+ Project Results Forum. The project website will be active at least until 2025. A social media strategy will be developed to contact divers target audiences as mentioned above.
EPALE will also be used to publish an article with experiences of migrant women to convince policy makers about the relevance of 241FE.